These Guys Won $1,000 for Getting Fit!

These Guys Won $1,000 for Getting Fit!

These dudes transformed their bodies and their lives at home with Beachbody fitness and nutrition programs, and they each won $1,000 as monthly winners of the the Beachbody Challenge contest June 2017! Check out their jaw-dropping “Before & After” photos …

Joshua McCray, age 23, from Charlotte, NC, lost 31 lbs. in just 60 days with INSANITY MAX:30! He was motivated to be the healthiest possible version of himself in order to one day provide a better lifestyle for his family and friends.

Joshua lost 31 lbs. in 60 days!

He says: “I was inspired to begin my transformation by the ‘before and after pictures’ a close friend posted on social media. My friend, who had a similar build to myself, had just completed the INSANITY MAX:30 program, and I just knew this was what I wanted to accomplish. With the MAX:30 program, I was given a motivational trainer (Shaun T), a calendar that plainly states what workouts to do on each day, and a helpful nutrition guide that introduced me to new foods and recipes! What I liked most was the fact that it only required 30 minutes a day of work! That, and I didn’t have to leave the comfort of my own home… I was able to shred 31 pounds in 60 days! I went from a size 40 pants size to a 34, and a size XL shirt to a large (or medium depending on the shirt). Aside from the visible results, I am most proud of my ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle now. I no longer crave fast food, soda, or sugary snacks. Being able to achieve this level of willpower in my life has done wonders for my confidence and my ability to continue my journey.”

Monte Ford, age 33, from Alma, AR, went from Scrawny to Brawny with Body Beast! He gained a staggering 33 pounds of lean muscle and finally feels like a beast.

From Scrawny to Brawny with Body Beast

He says: “I was always skinny and had a hard time gaining weight or muscle. I felt self-conscious about my scrawniness and was embarrassed to take my shirt off at the pool. I tried lifting weights for years without any formal instruction or training and got minimal results. Body Beast was the missing link that gave me the formal instruction and training plan to finally realize my dream of having big muscles and size. Body Beast showed me the exact workouts and frequency that was key to success. I also loved that Sagi walked me through every rep and set with helpful tips on form to get maximum results. I gained 33 pounds of muscle, and I finally feel strong and look strong. My wife loves it too. I’m most proud of having big muscles I never thought I’d ever see. I have huge traps, lats, and shoulders which were completely non-existent before Body Beast. Sagi was right! I did have to buy bigger shirts! Ha-ha! I finally feel like a beast! I can also eat a lot more, and who doesn’t like that?! I plan on continuing to do more rounds of Body Beast and look forward to more size gains. Thank you!”

Shawn Mills, age 44, from Sherbrooke, NS, is a paramedic who combats PTSD with the feel-good endorphins that exercise provides. Overall, he has lost 91 lbs. and rediscovered the joys of life.

Paramedic fights PTSD with exercise, lost 91 lbs!

He says: “I have been a paramedic for 24 years, and I was diagnosed with PTSD. My psychologist wanted me to start exercising. So, my wife and I joined Beachbody under our Coach, Colleen, in June of 2016. Once I started 21 Day Fix, I realized just how big and out of shape I really was, which pushed me to try even harder. I liked the motivation that Autumn brings across and the way the exercises are laid out. It was great to follow, and when I had to modify, there was Kat. Seeing someone on T.V. who looked real, who looked like me, and doing it, made me think I can do it too… As a paramedic, I go into strangers’ lives, and I try to bring order to their chaos, and having programs like this in my life that provide order and structured routines, while helping me achieve new levels and putting a smile on my face — it makes my chaos make sense. I’ve also completed 22 Minute Hard Corps with Tony Horton, and overall the results have been losing weight and regaining me! I lost 91 lbs., and I feel so much better about myself. I’m so proud to be in a size 34 pants, and I’m starting to see abs tone and shape; it’s wonderful. My health is better, my marriage is better, and my mind is better. I’m just a better person all around.”

After an eye-opening physical exam at age 52, Houston Hamilton, from Missouri City, TX, was inspired to make a lifestyle change. He got started with Focus T25 and achieved remarkable results in just 13 weeks!

Wine lover lost 23 lbs in 3 months at age 52

He says: “My greatest challenge was… I love red wine. That might seem a little funny, but it is the truth. I was drinking at least a bottle of wine each night, and although I really don’t think I had a drinking problem, as I could leave it alone when I wanted to, I did have a bit of a weight problem, as I could no longer fit into my clothes. Not good! I decided to do something about it. My wife and I contacted a Coach we met for more information about Beachbody, and after reviewing the websites we decided to take the plunge!… I really liked the motivation that Shaun T gives during the FOCUS T25 workouts. And, progressing from phases Alpha to Beta to Gamma made the shock of getting back into working out much easier on my body. I am not 20 anymore, even though I do feel like it sometimes… so being able to progress through stages of the program was a big help. In about 3 months, I dropped quite a bit of weight and inches from my waistline. I was also able to regain strength and endurance. Toward the end of the program, I actually started to see some abs coming in. I had forgotten I had those! I went thirteen weeks before I started adding some wine back into my diet here and there, and with the Portion Fix container system, I can count my wine into my nutrition plan whenever I have it. Easy breezy!”