Body Beast Results: Laura Lost 30 Pounds and 7% Body Fat!

Body Beast Results: Laura Lost 30 Pounds and 7% Body Fat!

Laura Alexander lost 30.3 lbs. in four months with Body Beast. She entered her results into the Beachbody Challenge, and won the $500 Daily Prize for March 7th!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I’m a little irritated that I did not take advantage of weights at a younger age — when results just come naturally and more quickly because of that roaring metabolism and signs of gravity were just beginning to show. I have had great results in just a few months at the age of 49. I just feel like I lost an opportunity to see how my body could have looked under optimal circumstances. No worries, I’m having a great finish!

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
I read that we lose an average of 5 percent of our muscle mass every 10 years after the age of 35 — unless we do something about it. I was super out of shape and just turned 49. One Saturday morning, I was snuggled in bed, drinking my creamy coffee, and watching Sagi’s Body Beast presentation. And I started wondering…about weights.

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
I spent a few weeks wondering if I would really be able to make this kind of a change in myself. I have let myself down before. I kept thinking of Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t — you’re right.” At some point, I nearly felt a click in my brain and I knew that I would finish it. I often recited Philippians 4:13 when I felt like skipping a workout or eating junk. The DVDs progress with various members of the crew in such a way that you almost feel like you’re getting to know them. They have a funny and real comradery that makes the workout a lot of fun. I once told my husband that I was going downstairs to work out with the guys — you know…Sagi and those guys I work out with. “Oh, ok” he says. He comes down to the basement a little later looking to meet the guys…he is ridiculously easygoing!

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
Great results without a ton of cardio. Lifting weights changes the shape — you don’t just get smaller. It doesn’t take as much time as people think. It’s fun to be a fly on the wall, listening in on the gym talk of a bunch of Arnold Schwarzenegger types. They crack me up. Glad there aren’t women. It would change the whole dynamic.


Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I lost 30 pounds and 7 percent body fat. I will turn 50 in January, and it’s a lot easier to be excited about it when I’m looking and feeling good. I had considered competing in a bodybuilding bikini contest, but opted to do a photoshoot instead. These photos were a fun way for me to benchmark my progress and celebrate some success along the way.

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
I know my husband is proud of the way I take care of myself — romance is at an all-time high! Clothes shopping is now an enjoyable activity. I have had so many friends purchase Body Beast, because they asked how I accomplished this. I have had women even 20 years younger than me telling me I am their inspiration to make a transformation in themselves. That is a really great feeling.

How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program affect any existing health conditions you have?
I used Fuel Shot, Base Shake, MAX Creatine, and Super Suma.

Did you achieve any other measurable improvements with a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program (e.g. blood pressure, blood sugar, triglycerides, etc.)?
I can check when I have my next physical.

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.

Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.