Train like an athlete and boost your performance in everyday life with Performance Academy, the all-new athletic training mini-program from BODi Super Trainer Amoila Cesar....
BODi Super Trainer Joel Freeman shares details about his upcoming LIIFT4 Accountability Group (November 4-29) and reveals an exciting new incentive to work out and...
Make sure your Thanksgiving spread includes plenty of green vegetables and healthier fare. Not only will you save on calories, most of these recipes can...
Pumpkin pie usually makes an appearance once or twice year and for most people that’s enough, considering the amount of sugar, eggs, evaporated milk in...
This gorgeous chia pudding parfait is a mouthwatering way to enjoy the superfood nutrition of Shakeology! We dressed up a regular chia pudding recipe with...
This simple Chocolate Mint Brownie smoothie has only three ingredients, but it’s packed with flavor, thanks to our latest seasonal Shakeology flavor. Chocolate Caramel Brownie...
A weighted vest might be the workout tool that your workouts have been missing. Because they’re wearable, they can add resistance to almost any exercise...
Picture a gymnast performing a floor routine. Their options for movement are almost infinite — they can run, flip, cartwheel, leap, or twist. Any move...
Curious about creatine loading? Let’s start at the beginning. Among the thousands of potions, pills, and powders in the world of sports nutrition, creatine monohydrate...
With a supplement like Beachbody Performance Energize, it’s easy to know how much pre-workout to take. The back panel on every container tells you exactly...
Push-up variations abound, from modifying by elevating your hands to dialing up the challenge by adding plank jacks. One particularly valuable (and quite challenging) variation...
If you’re serious about weightlifting, sports, or HIIT and have started researching how to take your progress to the next level, two supplements have likely...
Entraîne-toi comme un pro et booste ta performance au quotidien avec Performance Academy, le tout nouveau mini programme d’entraînement athlétique du Super Trainer BODi Amoila Cesar....
Entrena como deportista profesional y refuerza tu rendimiento en tu vida diaria con Performance Academy, el nuevo miniprograma de entrenamiento atlético totalmente nuevo del superentrenador...