What You Don’t Know About Chris Downing May Surprise You

Empower. Love. Inspire. It’s more than a philosophy. It’s how Chris Downing truly relates to the people he trains.
Chris holds the strong belief that you already have a greatness within you. That there’s a mental way to tap into that greatness. This is how you’ll reach your full potential — and achieve powerful results — with his fitness program, the SHIFT SHOP.
Chris Downing, Keeping it Real
Why is Chris so good at helping you make a real, lasting change?
He has real-world experience training organized sports teams and pro athletes. This means his workouts and eating plans aren’t just theories, they’re based on experience.
He’s taken the training methods he’s seen deliver the best results — no matter how much you weigh, your size, your age — and condensed them into something effective that you can do.
What Chris Downing Does Differently With the SHIFT SHOP
As creator of the SHIFT SHOP fitness program, Chris’ engaging, motivation-based approach can help you grow stronger both physically and mentally.
It’s about so much more than helping you just get fit and lose weight. It’s about shifting your body and mind to a place that allows you to reinvent yourself by challenging you to bring out your best potential.
Chris makes it happen with his cutting-edge ramp-up method. You’ll start off with shorter, lower-intensity workouts, then gradually ramp up the duration and intensity each week — all while refining your nutrition.
After 3 weeks of the SHIFT SHOP, you can be leaner, faster, stronger. But you’ll also have the confidence to conquer anything you want.
And it’ll be largely due to Chris’ undeniable, positive motivation — born out of some amazing personal experiences.
Watch the Awe-Inspiring Story of Chris Downing
See what motivated him to start working in fitness, and learn about his journey toward becoming BODi’s newest Super Trainer in the video below and learn more about SHIFT SHOP here!