Female Beachbody Challenge Winners, Feb 2018

Female Beachbody Challenge Winners, Feb 2018

Ladies of all ages are transforming their bodies and their lives at home with Beachbody’s system of fitness, nutrition, and support.

In the month of February 2018 alone, more than 2,000 satisfied customers submitted their inspirational transformation stories to the Beachbody Challenge, where healthy lifestyle changes are rewarded with prizes all year long.

In addition to the free gifts that all qualifying contestants receive, these four first-rate females (below) recently won $1,000 each as a reward for their hard work and their inspirational stories.

Check out their mind-blowing “before” and “after” photos…

Veronica Schoor Lost 78 Pounds

This mom of two energetic young boys found the energy, strength, and stamina she needs to be the active mom she wants to be after losing 78 pounds with the 21 Day Fix.

Veronica Schoor Lost 78.3 Pounds

“The results I have achieved from the 21 Day Fix program are amazing. For the first time in years, I feel motivated, energized, and strong.

Being the mom of two little boys (4 years, and 9 months) who are always full of energy requires a lot of energy and stamina.

I am able to keep up with my boys and be the fun, active mom I have always wanted to be, and I owe it all to the energy, strength, and stamina Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix program has given me!

In about nine months, I have lost 78 pounds. I have gained strength that I have never had before.

In addition to the outward physical results, I have gained the self-esteem, confidence, and energy I had been lacking for some time.

Through this program, I have acquired an overall peace and happiness with my body, my health, and my life!”

Danielle Stoltz Lost 90 Pounds

Danielle’s smile lights up the room and melts our hearts after losing 90 pounds in Beachbody Challenge groups.

Danielle Stoltz Lost 89.9 Pounds

“After getting married and having two kids, I became morbidly obese. I was so incredibly unhappy with my life, mainly due to my appearance and how I felt.

The BODgroups have been a total game-changer for me. The accountability, support, and encouragement are key to my success.

Working out and eating healthier are now a daily part of my life. I am exponentially stronger than I’ve ever been before. I have the energy to make it through the day and actually play with my kids now!

This transformation has improved not only my relationship with myself but also my family and friends. I can’t wait to see where these programs take me next!”

Sonya Smith Lost 102 Pounds

Sonya is the active grandmother she wants to be after losing 102 pounds with Beachbody programs and Shakeology.

Sonya Smith Lost 102 Pounds

“I am a 48-year-old wife, mother of three, and Nana of three grandchildren. I started my physical fitness late in life, but I am glad I chose to do it.

My family needed and wanted me to be a major part of their life, but I was physically unable to do so until now.

I started with INSANITY and kept going. I love all the options on Beachbody On Demand, and I really liked how the trainers are very encouraging and make you feel like you can do it.

Overall, with Beachbody programs and Shakeology, I lost 102 pounds!

I went from a size 20 to a size 4. I feel wonderful! I love being able to go and buy cute clothes.

I have been able to join my family and have fun swimming, playing basketball, going ppaintballing and many other activities I couldn’t do before. I’m enjoying my life again, and I wish I had started my journey a long time ago.”

Melissa Vrbas Lost 35.5 Pounds

Melissa burned off the belly fat at age 50, and her husband definitely noticed.

Melissa Vrbas Lost 35.5 Pounds

“I knew that being overweight was not good for my health, and I want to be around for my children.

Plus, I didn’t like the way I looked in the mirror, and I was ready to start feeling better about myself. So, I began this transformation journey.

Working out came easy to me, but following a diet plan was difficult. I learned that I need to stay consistent with eating healthy and doing the workouts; when I do that, I see results.

I have done lots of Beachbody programs, and overall, I have lost 35 pounds, 9.5 inches from my waist, and 5.5 inches from my hips.

I am proud of what I have achieved, and my husband likes how my butt looks and feels. I love what these programs have done for me. I feel absolutely amazing.”

You can change your life, too. Get started here for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes. Ready to pick a program and get started?

Results vary based on starting point and effort.