Many abs-focused exercises, like crunches, tend to target the same few muscles in the abdominal group: the rectus abdominis (a.k.a. your six-pack muscles) and transverse...
Busy growing a new life? Don’t worry, you can still stay active! Pregnancy ball exercises can help engage your core and improve hip stability. Moms-to-be...
Does muscle burn fat? It sure does — and that’s why resistance training is key when you’re trying to lose weight. The #mbf Muscle Burns Fat and #mbfa...
“I feel my butt burning and my face crying.” —Amoila Cesar If you think a barre workout isn’t tough, just ask Amoila, the transformational specialist...
Beachbody Super Trainer Elise Joan poured her heart and soul into Barre Blend. Her new program is a low-impact, total-body workout that’s the perfect fusion of...
Barre Blend premiered in Scottsdale, Arizona during Beachbody’s 2019 Leadership Retreat: a weekend of cutting-edge training, team building, and personal growth that’s earned by Team Beachbody’s...
For as long as six-packs have been a thing, there’s been debate about how to best sculpt them. And while we’ll likely never know precisely what exercises...
When you hear the words “core workout,” you might think of the usual sit-ups and crunches. But if you really want to strengthen your midsection, targeting...
There are tons of fitness terms that sound totally made up: bonking, fartlek, skullcrusher…and of course, the bird dog exercise. No, we’re not talking about an exercise...
If your current bodyweight-exercise menu stops after pushups, pull-ups, squats, and lunges, it’s time to shake things up a little. Enter: the oft-forgotten side plank exercise — in which you hold...