Want to know how to identify a fitness pro who’s knowledgeable and trustworthy? Ask them how much muscle you can gain in a month. If they give you any...
Whether you’re loading a barbell on your back, racking a kettlebell over your shoulder, or just warming up with bodyweight squats, one question remains a constant: What...
In the health and fitness space, there are a number of fearsome ideological match-ups: cardio vs strength training, plant vs animal protein, the front squat vs back...
Unless you’re already a trained gymnast, bar muscle-ups are one of the most challenging bodyweight movements you can attempt. In addition to requiring significant core...
In the 1940s, a University of Houston professor named William Sheldon coined the concept that all humans fall into one of three body types, or somatotypes....
Picture a gymnast performing a floor routine. Their options for movement are almost infinite — they can run, flip, cartwheel, leap, or twist. Any move...
Even if you’re just starting out, fitness leaves clues: physical vigor, greater ease of movement, a flat stomach, etc. If you stick with an exercise...