The seated wide-legged forward fold — commonly referred to as the pancake stretch — is a foundational pose that, when fully expressed, demonstrates serious flexibility....
As a yoga teacher and naturally flexible person, I’m often told by people that they don’t practice yoga because they’re not flexible. But that’s why you...
Tree pose is an iconic balancing posture in yoga. Known in Sanskrit as vrksasana (also spelled vriksasana and vrikshasana), tree pose “is one of the first...
Although there are many outstanding stretches in a dynamic-warmup that can prepare you for a workout, only one holds the title of the “world’s greatest...
Cow face pose (gomukhasana in Sanskrit) is a wonderful posture that opens the shoulders and stretches the glutes. If this seated pose asks more than your...
Bow pose (dhanurasana in Sanskrit) is a very challenging yet satisfying backbend. Its difficulty lies in the amount of strength required of the body’s posterior. Similarly...
It’s no wonder many yogis have a love-hate relationship with boat pose. Known also as navasana, this yoga pose requires you to hold your balance, keep your core...
If you’ve been seeking a great side stretch, look no further than the extended side angle pose in yoga, also known as utthita parsvakonasana in Sanskrit....
I have a secret: I often get my yoga students through “just one more vinyasa” with the promise that child’s pose (balasana) awaits them. Child’s pose...
Yogis looking to make a foray into arm balances should try their hand(s) at crow pose (Sanskrit name: kakasana). Often conflated with crane pose (bakasana),...