New Mother Loses Baby Weight and Keeps it Off

New Mother Loses Baby Weight and Keeps it Off

Lindsay W. lost 8 lbs. with FOCUS T25, 21 Day Fix, and 21 Day Fix EXTREME. She entered her results into The Beachbody Challenge, and won the $500 Daily Prize for September 21st!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I was the girl who never had to think about her weight or try. I wasn’t rail thin, but I was always comfortable in my skin and happy with my body. Then I got pregnant. My pregnancy was easy and wonderful. I gained just what I was supposed to (30 lbs.), but workouts went out the window, and I managed my pregnancy just with the food I was eating. Being pregnant wrecked my self-confidence and my growing curves were extremely hard for me to love, no matter what anyone told me. After having my daughter, I still had 20 lbs. to lose, and was my biggest ever. I have never really gained more than 5 lbs. in my life, and having to actually work to be where I wanted was something I had never done before. I was depressed, suffering from postpartum, sleep-deprived, and overall not myself at all. I was always body confident and post-pregnancy me hated herself.

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
I was tired of feeling bad about myself. I had hit a point where I was defeated, and was about to give in to having a bigger body, being a mom, and no longer looking skinny and sexy. But then my friend, Ashley, became a Coach and she was a mom of five on the same journey I was. I thought to myself, if she had five kids and could pull herself out of this self-hating funk, then I really had no excuse after one amazing baby.

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
My biggest challenge before Beachbody was needing fitness. I didn’t think I did. I was never unhappy with my body before, so I never felt like I had to work at it. Once I had a body to work for, I realized being fit isn’t just about looking good, it makes everything else in your life better too. Your happiness improves, you are more productive, a better spouse, a better parent, and a better friend. Bad food makes you feel awful, and you didn’t even realize how crappy you used to feel each day until you feel this good after.

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
Okay so, my entry shows the overall results I achieved within a year of working with Beachbody. When I had completed the entire 21 days of 21 Day Fix EXTREME, my results from just that weren’t anything impressive, simply because my overall results are that darn good! These past 21 days were a much bigger improvement inside than out, and I wanted to share the entire journey, not just this one. However, I love the progression to EXTREME. I had to do the regular 21 Day Fix several rounds through to finally have the strength to feel amazing doing the EXTREME version. I love the variety of workouts, but I also love doing the same workout on a set day each week. It makes it easier to anticipate and motivate myself through the workouts, and I love that it’s just 21 days and 30 minutes. No excuses. Anyone can make it 21 days for 30 minutes.

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
My measurements and weight didn’t really change from this round, but I feel so much stronger and I didn’t have to modify nearly as much. Also, picking up my daughter in any position and carrying her wherever is a breeze! It has always been important to me to be a great mom, and I love that carrying her is easy. In these 21 days, I maintained my results through Beachbody Summit and eating some amazing cheat meals too! I see more muscles as I move around, and I truly am my smallest ever.

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
There’s too many ways to mention, but mainly I am more confident. I feel like the best version of me, and that me is able to give more time, love, and attention to friends and family, and even to complete strangers since I am a Coach too! Doing Beachbody programs has given me the platform to grow my business and create financial freedom for myself as well. I cut down my day job to part-time and now get more time with my baby at home. I’m happier with my husband, and he’s been so inspired that he’s a real Coach now too!


How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
I run my own Challenge Groups now, and have teamed up with one of my awesome downline Coaches to create a new level of group support these past couple of months. They are energetic and fun, and it always amazes me. The support that is shown and the stories everyone is willing to share are great! Having this amazing group of people, that I know are looking up to me, always keeps me on my toes. It pushes me to be the best challenger ever, because if I can’t do it, how can I expect them to? We connect every single day and everyone brings it!

How did your Team Beachbody Coach support you on your journey?
Ashley Brockinton is setting a new standard for Coaches. Truly, she is a rock star and taking this business to new levels. Her hard work is apparent and motivates me to do even half of what she does, and have more success than many others! Her constant drive to make this huge keeps me just as motivated and inspired. We are lifers, and I’m so glad she is my Coach.

How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program (such as Shakeology or Beachbody Ultimate Reset) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, digestion/regularity?
I couldn’t live without Shakeology and I’m not sure how I ever did! It has helped me become a morning person; makes me feel amazing; helps me reach weight-loss goals I never thought I could; and I get to share it with my family. My 15-month-old has shared it with me since six months, and she cries when it’s gone because we both love it so much.

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.