Even if you’re not usually a big drinker, special occasions can do a number on your everything-in-moderation mantra. From open-bar office parties to catch-ups with...
So you’ve been giving considerable thought to your max heart rate, your muscular endurance, and your macros. But one thing you might not have given much...
If you’re trying to eat more veggies, choosing seasonal produce can help — fruits and veggies typically have the most flavor when they’re locally grown and...
If you’re on a quest for more muscle mass, you’ve probably heard of bulking. As the name suggests, that’s when you force-feed extra calories, usually...
There’s an uncomfortable truth about supplementing with protein: It can leave you feeling bloated and gassy — and conspicuous. Protein farts can happen to anyone....
Getting enough protein in your diet isn’t always easy. The average person needs about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, which amounts to...
Plant-based, or plant-forward, eating is probably the most inescapable dietary trend. And it’s not necessarily as simple as just forgoing flesh; new factions are forming...