P90X3 Results: Dustin Lost 21 Pounds in 90 Days!

P90X3 Results: Dustin Lost 21 Pounds in 90 Days!

Dustin Wert lost 21 lbs. in 90 days with P90X3. He entered his results into the Beachbody Challenge, and won the $500 Daily Prize for March 20th!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
Before Beachbody, I was in a dark place. Battling constant depression and exhaustion, I was nearing rock bottom. I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin. I had little self-control when it came to eating and drinking. I had no energy, motivation, or ambition. I would sleep as much as I possibly could, but always woke up feeling just as drained of energy. Being only 26 years old and an athlete (I’ve played football since I was 10 years old), how could I feel so miserable?

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
In 2015, I finally hit rock-bottom. The depression was at an all-time high, and my energy level was at an all-time low. I couldn’t go on living this way. I quit drinking, started a healthy meal plan, and started P90X3. After the first week, I could already feel a huge difference. I felt happier, healthier, and more energetic. I got addicted to my new lifestyle and the positive results it brought to my life. The results I got from P90X3 were nothing short of extraordinary. In 90 days, I lost 21 pounds. Even being an athlete my entire life, I have never been in this good of a shape.

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
My greatest challenge would have been not being patient and wanting to see results overnight. Beachbody and P90X3 have truly turned my life around. Beachbody provided me with all the tools I needed to become my best, and I never had to step foot into a gym. This is the best I have felt in my entire life, and I am so glad I got into Beachbody!


What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
I really enjoyed the workouts. I actually felt the results happening during the moves.

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I can take my shirt off at the beach and feel great about myself, and I love how much energy I have now!

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
Most definitely! I would recommend everyone to do a Beachbody program! Hard work pays off!

How did your Team Beachbody Coach support you on your journey?
He was there every step of the way and made sure that I never once lost focus on my goals.

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.

Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.