*Note: This article is intended for our Canadian customers. Get ready to shake up your routine, because something delicious is coming your way from Shakeology....
*Remarque: Cette article est destiné à nos lecteurs canadiens. Prépare-toi à secouer ta routine, car Shakeology te réserve une délicieuse surprise. Petit indice : ça a un...
These little muffins pack a huge berry-flavored punch with fresh strawberries, raspberries, AND Strawberry Shakeology. A splash of vanilla and some cardamom layer on all...
Shakeology is the original superfood shake, crafted from thousands of hours of research with a potent blend of nutrients. But did you know it’s also...
Chocolate for breakfast? You bet. Whip up these Chocolate Shakeology Pancakes in the morning and watch them disappear. These pancakes are proof that good things...
Team Pancake or Team Waffle? It’s a hard decision since they’re both absolutely delicious, so if you’re Team Pancakes & Waffles, we fully support you....
If breakfast pancakes and chocolate donuts had a baby, they would taste like these delightful little Café Latte pancakes. And pancakes aren’t just for breakfast...
Raspberries and chocolate are a powerful pair — tart raspberries balance the sweetness of chocolate perfectly. But adding Chocolate Caramel Brownie Shakeology to the mix...
If you like to jazz up your breakfast pancakes with a little something extra like blueberries or chocolate, then you’re going to love these Strawberry...
*Remarque: Cette recette est destiné à nos lecteurs canadiens. Certaines personnes préfèrent les grignotines salées, tandis que d’autres préfèrent les sucreries. Mais si vous aimez...
Las frambuesas y el chocolate son un dúo sensacional; el ácido de las frambuesas equilibra muy bien el dulce del chocolate. Pero añadirle Shakeology de...
*Remarque: Cette recette est destiné à nos lecteurs canadiens. La framboise et le chocolat forment un couple puissant et parfaitement équilibré, dans lequel le goût...
Préférez-vous le fudge ou la pâte de biscuit? Peu importe! Ces barres de Shakeology sauront combler vos envies de fudge chocolaté. De plus, elles sont...