See How Haran Got Ripped Working Out with Body Beast
Haran R. lost 13 lbs. of fat and gained 13 lbs. of muscle with Body Beast. He entered his results into The Beachbody Challenge, and won the $500 Daily Prize for September 22!
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I was tired of being that guy who works out but doesn’t look his best. I’ve always let the good food and fun snacks get in the way of having the body I always wanted — the body you see on magazines and TV, and wished you could get. I was good at working out; people saw me as motivation, especially as a Beachbody Coach and a fitness instructor, but my body wasn’t there. I always felt like I went through phases of being lean, then “fatty,” and back to lean. Nothing permanent or even good! I needed something that would help me pack on muscle and build the body I deserve for the long run! Body Beast was the answer for me, because I knew deep down that it was the one program that would not only chisel my body, but educate me on eating well, supplementing well, and doing whatever it takes to get in the best shape possible.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
Seeing a ton of extreme transformations with Body Beast. I’ve done all the other programs, P90X, INSANITY, ASYLUM, 21 Day Fix, PiYo, and I’ve gotten great results. Body Beast looked like my kind of workout! It’s straight up bodybuilding, where you lift heavy, go hard, and make each day count. But I also set big goals; I told myself last Summit (June 2014) that I wanted to really push my limits and really take my fitness to an “oh wow“ kind of level. The best way? To compete in a physique show! So I dedicated one year to do Body Beast day after day, working out at home and taking it to the gym as well. But I wanted that size. I wanted a defined chest and big, wide back. I’m not a tall guy, so for me, that width and the aesthetics were the primary goals — short but big!
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
The program was hard! The workouts weren’t as difficult for the mind, but the nutrition? Jeez! I needed to put on size and muscle, and you don’t get that from drinking protein shakes and eating steaks all day; every macro has to count and the “Book of Beast” is the easiest thing to follow to get your numbers down. I’m used to working out hard, but eating really well to fit my macros? That’s a mission. You know how they say 80 percent of your transformation is based off of nutrition? It’s true but Body Beast really makes you work hard on it. Do the math, calculate, and know what you’re putting into your body. Beachbody always had a “keep moving forward” attitude, so when days got tough, I would see posts from others and be inspired to keep moving forward. Because at the end…it’s worth it!
What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
The workouts were straightforward: old school and new school bodybuilding and weight training (the stuff that gets you excited to work out to every day). Turning my TV on and pressing play wasn’t hard for me, because I knew I’d be throwing weights around and feeling like a beast the whole time. Sagi Kalev is probably the most motivating trainer on TV, because to me, he keeps it all real! He knows the work that’s needed to get big and strong. All he asks is that I dedicate each day to becoming better at this art of bodybuilding and do whatever it takes each day to get closer to my goals. Simple but not easy. But if I work out each day, I’m going to get beasty!
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
The gains for me have gone off the chain! My back is wider than people over six feet tall. I can spread my lats so well that people stare at me! My arms have gotten really defined and my shoulders are massive. Body Beast has built my body in such a way that each part is defined really well. On top of that, I went from curling 10 lbs. to hammer curling 35 lbs. I went from a dumbbell chest press of 20 lbs. to over 50 lbs.! I got strong. When you see a five-foot-four-inch guy pressing 50-plus lb. dumbbells at the gym or curling 35 lbs., people turn their heads to see your set.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
My life has become more of a motivational billboard. People see me as someone that made the sacrifices, spent the money, and put in the time and the work to drastically change my life. To me, I’m constantly motivated by others taking a stand for a healthier lifestyle, and I’m so proud of myself to be able to inspire others to make that change as well. All the comments I’ve gotten were positive. I became the guy who knew how to work out and put on mass. My mom said, “If only you were taller, you’d be on TV.” I said, “I’m big enough to get on TV,” and we both laughed. My cousins and friends always talk about the time I was “smaller,” but how my dedication has led me to be very successful with my fitness. In the gyms I’ve worked out at and trained, people who knew me (or didn’t) would come up to me and congratulate me on my journey. When random people come up to you, it plants an idea in your head that you’re on the right path and to never stop.
How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
When I started the program, I wanted to have my friends join in with me to keep each other accountable. It was truly a fun way to stay on track and get our workouts in together. When you’re on this journey by yourself, there may be a ton of questions, but having some Coaches and some friends join in and work on the same program together can truly add value to your lifestyle.
How did your Team Beachbody Coach support you on your journey?
Straight up motivation! Just constantly commenting on my posts and making sure that I’m getting the results I want and keeping me engaged in the journey so I’m able to really get the best results possible.
How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program (such as Shakeology or Beachbody Ultimate Reset) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, digestion/regularity?
I used the Beast shakes. They were great to add on size; the carb shake added the calories my body needed to build muscle and recover. I also got on Creatine and Shakeology along the way to help with getting big. Shakeology plus a protein blend equals best shake ever! If you want to add size and stay healthy, that’s the shake to drink. On the side, I used E&E to keep my energy up, especially during the build/bulk phase.
How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program affect any existing health conditions you have?
I don’t get sick. I used to get sick, feel lazy, and get tired. But not anymore. Shakeology and other supplements used throughout the program have just kept my health up. They’ve kept me more motivated than ever to keep pushing play and know that I’m on the healthy path!
You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.