Transformation Tuesday: Meaghan Lost 75 Pounds with Beachbody!

Transformation Tuesday: Meaghan Lost 75 Pounds with Beachbody!

Like a lot of moms, Meaghan realized she had put herself on the back-burner after having kids. After joining a Challenge Group, she was able to lose 75 pounds with Beachbody over the course of a year! For a healthy dose of inspiration, check out her story in her own words, right here: I wasn’t an “unhappy” overweight person. My health was generally ok but I have been heavy pretty much my entire life. After a twin pregnancy, then a singleton, I was a mom of 3 crazy boys who had put herself on the backburner for too long! I saw a Challenge Group advertised and thought to myself, “let’s give it a try!” 21 Day Fix seemed like a bit of a no-brainer. Plus, I loved the idea of having accountability partners in the Challenge Group.  I remember that first week being in so much pain. My muscles were screaming, but for once I was loving it. I knew it meant changes were happening. I loved the food plan for 21 Day Fix, I never felt hungry, and I felt good knowing I was fueling my body with lean protein, veggies, and of course, Shakeology. In my first round I lost 15 pounds, and I was floored. I couldn’t even believe it! So I did another round. And I lost another 10 pounds. After that, I was addicted. I noticed my energy was increased, I was able to get through the workouts with fewer modifications, I started to get more adventurous with my eating, making new combinations and combing the internet for new ideas. I decided I had to be a coach so I could share this with others. I started to get outside, doing hikes and trails that would have been impossible previously. Then I got FOCUS T25 and started to see more changes – better cardio abilities, my midsection started to shrink, and I was loving the fast pace and sweaty workout I was getting. I found that gradually, instead of dreading that workout, I was trying to find ways to make it more challenging – upping my weights, doing doubles, going out of my way to make walks longer or tougher. I was making food choices automatically that were good for me, and I wasn’t missing treats (although I still had them now and again!). I completed 3 full rounds of 21 DayFix, and then did about 4 months of FOCUS T25. Since then I have done a combination of the two with running and hiking incorporated. I’m continuing to run my Challenge Groups monthly, and I recently started INSANITY through Beachbody On Demand (I love Shaun T!). I’m really interested in The Master’s Hammer and Chisel as well. I’m going to continue my daily workouts and clean eating!  I love the Beachbody On Demand workouts. It’s so handy for me, and I’ve really enjoyed trying some new workouts – P90X3, INSANITY, INSANITY: THE ASYLUM, and the bonus workouts from Autumn and Tony. I hit my one year mark and I was so proud of myself for losing 75 pounds. People can’t believe the change and tell me that I’m inspiring. I am so grateful to my coach, to my challengers, to my family for supporting me because if you’d told me one year ago that I would be at this point, I would never have believed you. Beachbody has seriously changed my life! 

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.