Try This Tip For Faster Morning Meal Prep
Almost every weekend, Beachbody’s Social Media Manager (and fitness fanatic) Amanda Meixner preps her healthy meals and shares her photos on her Instagram account. Her simple recipes and colorful photos of mouthwatering food remind us that healthy meal prep doesn’t have to be hard to be good.
This week, Amanda prepared smoothie bags for her Shakeology breakfasts with spinach, blueberries, and strawberries. Adding fruits and veggies to her shakes is a great way to make a filling breakfast that gets her ready for the day. By putting all the smoothie ingredients she likes into a bag ahead of time, she doesn’t have think about what she wants to have in the morning, or make sure she has it. She just pours the bag into the blender with her Shakeology, blends, and she’s ready to go!
Amanda eats about 1,500-1,799 calorie per day, and the total containers for that range breaks down to 4 greens, 3 purples, 4 reds, 3 yellows, 1 blue, 1 orange, and 4 tsp. Want to see more of her fit and healthy lifestyle? Check out her blog, Running Wild.
Here’s what Amanda is eating this week, along with the 21 Day Fix container measurements for each meal:
Meal 1 (Breakfast): Shakeology with smoothie bags (mixed berries and spinach) and 2 tsp. almond butter (1 red, 1 purple, 1 green, 2 tsp.)
Meal 2 (Snack, not shown): Oatmeal with half a large banana & cinnamon (not shown) (2 yellow, 1 purple)
Meal 3 (Lunch M/W/F): Zucchini noodles with shrimp, baked sweet potato, and an apple (1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 purple)
Meal 3 (Lunch T/Th): Spaghetti squash with turkey marinara, baked sweet potato, and an apple (1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 purple)
Meal 4 (Post-Workout): Baked chicken arugula salad with cherry tomatoes and balsamic vinaigrette (1 red, 1 green, 1 orange)
Meal 5 (Dinner M/W/F): Baked salmon with spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, and onion and 1/4 avocado (not shown) (1 red, 1 greens, 1 blue, 1 tsp.)
Meal 5 (Dinner T/Th): Tempeh with a side of mixed veggies with 1 tsp. olive oil and a 1/4 avocado (not shown) (1 red, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 tsp.)
Extra: Baby carrots and bell peppers (not shown)
Amanda’s Grocery List:
1 large carton blueberries
1 large carton strawberries
3 large bananas
5 apples
2 bags spinach
1 bag arugula
1 bag white mushrooms
1 bag brown mushrooms
1 bag white onion
1 box heirloom tomatoes
1 cucumber
2-5 bell peppers (extra for snacks)
1 can diced tomatoes (no salt added)
1 can organic marinara sauce
1 bag stir veggies
2 containers zucchini
1 spaghetti squash
baby carrots (extra for snacks)
2 avocados
3 large sweet potatoes
1 package tempeh
½ lb. ground turkey
¾ lb. shrimp
¾ lb. salmon
1¼ lb. chicken
5 packets Shakeology
almond butter
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
Flavorgod seasoning