Meditation can help you offset the impact our technology-driven culture has on our emotional and physical well-being. In just 10 minutes a day, you can...
If you find yourself feeling nervous, unsettled, or even downright panicky about the state of the world these days, you’re far from alone. In response...
Beginning a practice of any sort can feel daunting and prompt lots of questions, whether it’s yoga, running, or meditation. “Starting something new or changing...
With so many different types of meditation available, finding the one that works best for you can take some time. The options are seemingly endless:...
Imagine a life where, instead of feeling anxious, rushed, tense, and worried, you feel relaxed, calm, and in control all day long. Sound impossible? Not...
I’ve been receiving many questions regarding the difference between “ease” and “easy” in our lives; the difference is crucial and I would have liked to...