
Tough Mudder T-Minus 30 is a 30-day training program designed to get you strong, lean and fit so you can CRUSH the course and have the body to prove it.

Week 1

Extreme Conditioning 1.0

with Hunter McIntyre

This is where it all begins—with a sweaty, bodyweight circuit that uses high-intensity cardio intervals to build power and endurance.

Dumbbell Endurance 1.0

with Hunter McIntyre

Grab a set of weights and get ready to work! Today, Hunter focuses on building upper-body strength and stamina to make sure you’re tough enough to conquer any obstacle on the course.

Athletic Training Day 1.0

with Hunter McIntyre

Hunter trains you to perform like an athlete with explosive cardio and bodyweight conditioning designed to help you tackle any TOUGH MUDDER course.

Dynamic Dumbbells 1.0

with Hunter McIntyre

Back to dumbbells, but today’s workout emphasizes a split-leg stance to build balance and total-body strength—and to carve your abs. You can thank Hunter later.

Mudder Ground Strength 1.0

with Hunter McIntyre

To crush the toughest obstacles, you need to get down and dirty, staying low and using your core. That’s what this workout trains you to do. You’ll feel like you’re already on the course with Hunter.

Mudder Mobility

with Hunter McIntyre

Stretch tired muscles and release tension throughout your body as you enhance mobility and unlock greater strength and power. You earned this relaxing recovery session.

Week 2

Extreme Conditioning 2.0

with Hunter McIntyre

Hunter ups the challenge from last week’s workout by adding more high-intensity cardio and bodyweight training that will test your stamina and grit. You got this.

Dumbbell Endurance 2.0

with Hunter McIntyre

This week, Hunter works you harder with tougher moves and more reps. His goal: giving you the power to conquer any obstacle by maximizing your upper-body and grip strength.

Athletic Training Day 2.0

with Hunter McIntyre

Get ready for Hunter to “mess” with you by switching things up with more explosive cardio and more challenging bodyweight moves. Trust us, the payoff—a fitter, leaner, more athletic body—is worth it.

Dynamic Dumbbells 2.0

with Hunter McIntyre

Grab your weights and get your mind right, because during the next 30 minutes, Hunter will push you harder than ever. By the time you’re done, every muscle will be shaking.

Mudder Ground Strength 2.0

with Hunter McIntyre

It’s time to get grounded again. Hit the deck to work your core as you train your body to overcome the most mind-bending obstacles you’ll face on the course.

Week 3

Extreme Conditioning 3.0

with Hunter McIntyre

By now, you should feel fit enough to tackle this intense interval session without hitting pause. But be forewarned: Hunter packed this week’s workout with sick new moves that will push your limits.

Dumbbell Endurance 3.0

with Hunter McIntyre

We hope you’re feeling rested, because Hunter is looking to crush you with new dumbbell progressions that will increase your muscular strength and endurance—if you can handle them.

Athletic Training Day 3.0

with Hunter McIntyre

Expect some new twists in this workout as Hunter shares more elite training techniques that will take your fitness and athleticism to new heights.

Dynamic Dumbbells 3.0

with Hunter McIntyre

More reps, heavier weights, harder moves—Hunter is determined to maximize your gains, so don’t hold back. Your muscles will be burning by the time you’re done, but it will all be worth it on race day.

Mudder Ground Strength 3.0

with Hunter McIntyre

You’ll feel like you’re on the course as you mimic ducking under barbed wire and scrambling through tunnels, but your core will be tight and TOUGH MUDDER-ready when it comes time to do it for real.

Week 4: Challenge Week

Total Body Challenge

with Hunter McIntyre

Three simple moves have never felt so hard and yet…so good.

The 300 Challenge

with Hunter McIntyre

300 reps, that is. Or is it 360? Hunter might have lied :)

Obstacle Day Challenge

with Hunter McIntyre

Five rounds of five moves with no rest equal a cold, hard challenge to your body and your mind—a challenge that will help prepare you to crush any TOUGH MUDDER course, no matter the distance.

Reps Win Races

with Hunter McIntyre

Pick up your weights—and get ready to hold them until the end. Oh, yes, this one is going to burn.

Burpee Challenge

with Hunter McIntyre

Yep, it’s exactly what it sounds like. We could have called it Death by Burpees—but would that make you feel any better?

Sheriff Abs

with Hunter McIntyre

Hunter calls it a quick 15 minutes of ab and core training. You might not think it’s quite quick enough. Either way, this will become a go-to abs routine for you.

Run Training

Intro to Run Training

with Hunter McIntyre

Hunter explains importance of running in addition to your T MINUS 30 workouts when prepping for your Tough Mudder.


Long Run (Audio Only)

with Hunter McIntyre

Take a longer run with Hunter and he’ll coach you through his long interval run, which features 5 minute running intervals with 2 minute slower paced intervals. Details and schedule for the 5K and Classic are in your training guide.


Short Interval Run (Audio Only)

with Hunter McIntyre

Take a run with Hunter and he’ll coach you through one of his favorite run training programs, which alternates 1 minute sprint intervals with 1 minute walk intervals. Details and schedule for the 5K and Classic are in your training guide.


Recovery Run (Audio Only)

with Hunter McIntyre

Running with Hunter is better than running alone. Hunter guides you through a 45 minute run with intervals, stretching and motivation to build your endurance and prep you for the course. See the training guide for complete run training programs.

Grip Strength Training

Intro to Upper Body Grip Strength

with Hunter McIntyre

Hunter explains the importance of Chin up and Pull Up training when you’re prepping for a Tough Mudder, even if you’ve never done a Chin up or Pull up.

Chin Up Routine

with Hunter McIntyre

This 15 minute Chin Up Routine shows you proper form for beginner and advanced levels, plus your week 1 routine for the 5K and the Classic.

Pull Up Routine

with Hunter McIntyre

This 15 minute Pull Up Routine shows you proper form for beginner and advanced level Pull Ups, plus your week 1 routine for the 5K and the Classic.


Intro to Taper Week

with Hunter McIntyre

Hunter explains Taper Week aka known as the week of your Tough Mudder. Learn how to change up your workout routine this week so can maintain the gains you’ve made, yet still feel strong, rested and fresh for your event.

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